Join #Fun4theDisabled for another edition of #FitnessWithFriends with our friends at #SPIRITClub! Build up your #strength with an #accessible guided #workout from Gabby, Dee, and Katie with Seated, Baseline, and Advanced levels! All Fitness with Friends videos are #OpenCaptioned and #ASL interpreted to bring you the most accessible content!

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VOICE:  Thank you for watching and for a full transcript visit We hope you enjoy! When joining us for this video, you need to take some precautions as your health and safety are the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision, like with this video you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Strategy for Access Foundation NFP and  SPIRIT Club will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video. 

GABBY: Hello everybody! Welcome to class. We’ve got a bit of a shorter one today. It’s gonna be 30 minutes so keep that in mind for your schedule it’s gonna be a little bit faster-paced. But before we jump into our class today let me introduce my co-trainers helping me out. Doing our advanced version is gonna be Dee! Hey Dee. How you doing? 

DEE:  I’m good. Hey guys! How you doing Gabby? I’m glad to be here. 

GABBY: Good to have you. And doing our seated version for us today is gonna be Katie. What is up Katie, my girl? 

KATIE:  Hey Gabby, hey everyone. 

DEE: Hey, hey. 

GABBY: All right. We got introductions out the way. We are all best friends now. Let’s go ahead and cue up some music so we can jump right into our warm up. 

(upbeat music playing) 

All right. First exercise, for our warm up we’re gonna be doing a nice, gentle twist here. Get your arms at the elbows or you can let ’em flop around to your sides. Either way you’re twisting around your body. Myself, Katie, and Dee, we’re all doing the same thing for this warm up here. 

(upbeat music plays) 

Let’s keep twisting for, five, four, three, two, and Spirit. 

Let’s move right into that second exercise which is gonna be our side reaches. So if we’re standing up make sure you get your legs your feet a little bit wider than shoulder width apart. We’re gonna start by bringing our favorite arm up in the air, over our heads to the opposite side. Make sure you feel that big stretch in the side of your body as you come back up and then switch hands. Do the same thing on the other side. 

(upbeat music plays) 

And for any movement we do in this class today you can go at whatever pace is comfortable for you. You can go with me. Or you could be going with Dee, he’s gonna be going a little bit faster than me. But we’re still doing the same moves here. 

(upbeat music plays)

 Great job! Keep it up for ten, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and Spirit. 

All right everybody let’s do our next warm up exercise, which is gonna be our reach up with our reach down. So, we’re starting with our hands right at our shoulders. Everybody’s gonna reach up as high as you can to the sky. Then we’re gonna bring our hands down to the ground, try touch them toes. And keep going. So, we’re reaching up and down. 

(upbeat music plays)

Nice job everybody. Keep reaching. If you wanna do it with Dee, he’s added in a little squat. Some variation. Let’s keep going for ten, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and Spirit. 

(instructors clapping) 

We’re gonna do one more warm up exercise for today. It’s gonna be some spirit flys! So we’re all gonna start with our hands spread out to the side making a giant T with our bodies, or we try to touch the walls on either side of us. Then we’re gonna bring our hands across our bodies. Give yourself a nice big hug and then bring it back out to the front. Then you bring your hands back in making sure you alternate which arm is on top then bring it back out. And we’re just gonna keep going out and in. And when you bring your hands back make sure you focus on bringing them back as far as you can get them. We’re trying to open up that chest a little bit. Great job everybody! Let’s keep these up, these flys for ten, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and Spirit. 

(instructors clapping) 

Go ahead and shake out those shoulders. You guys did an amazing job with the warm up. You get a little water here. While we go over our wonderful board for today which is flipped! 

All right. We got our board for today. Exercise number one is gonna be some squats. For number two we’re going into some high knees. Exercise number three we’ve got Russian twists. For number four, we’ve got seal jacks. Exercise number five with some bicep curls. And the last exercise before our challenge is gonna be a press and row. 

We’re starting right off. Starting right into exercise number one It’s gonna be those squats! Which means if you’re doing ’em with me or Dee, throw out our chairs. If you’re doing it with me you gotta make sure you’re standing with your feet shoulder width apart. For your hands, you gotta hold ’em in front of your chest. Or hold them straight on in front of you. Either way, you’re gonna push back through your hips. Get a nice big seat here and then stand back up. That’s all we’re focusing on here with our squats. Make sure we’re sitting down and then standing up. Make sure you try to keep your chest up as high as you can get it, when you stand back up. That’s what our squat’s gonna look like. If you’re doing it with Katie she’s gonna be doing a shoulder press for us. So she’s starting with both hands right by her shoulders. And then she’s pushing both of them up in the air over her head, trying to get ’em as high as she can. Like she’s reaching for the stars. Bringing them back down to the start. That looks beautiful Katie. Thank you so much. If you’re doing it with Dee he’s combining both of them. He’s going with that squat to the shoulder press. So as you can see he’s still pushing back through his hips as he takes that seat. And then he stands up. And at the same time, while he’s standing up he’s pushing both hands up in the air for that shoulder press. That looks amazing Dee, thank you very much. All right. We got our options. Let’s do this in five, four, three, two, and one. 

DEE: Let’s go guys, let’s go! 

GABBY: Yeah! Keep up that energy. Even though we got a shorter class today that means we got that extra room to push ourselves as hard as we can. 

(upbeat music playing) 

Great job everybody. We got 20 more seconds. 

(upbeat music playing) 

Nice. Let’s keep it going for ten, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and Spirit! 

(instructors clapping) 

Nice job. First one out the way, let’s go ahead and move to exercise number two. Which if you’re doing it with me it’s gonna be some high knees. Starting with your feet shoulder width apart. We’re gonna bring one knee up into the air at a time bringing it back down and then switch to the other side. If you want, you can hold your hands out by your hips. So you have a target for your knees to drive up to. So it looks like this. If you’re doing this exercise with Dee it’s gonna be the high knees with the shoulder press. So, he’s doing the same movement I was with his lower body. And then with his upper body throwing in that shoulder press. Looks good Dee! Thank you very much. If you’re doing it with Katie she’s gonna be doing a single arm, shoulder press. So she’s reaching one hand up at a time. Like she’s trying to climb a ladder. Bringing her hand up, bringing it back down and then switch it to the other side. Awesome job, Katie! We’ve got our options. Thank you. It looks good. We got our options. Let’s go ahead. Exercise number two, knock it out the park. In five, four, three, two, and one. 

(upbeat jazzy music playing) 

Whoo! Everybody’s killing it. Keep it up! We got 20 more seconds. Keep reaching. Keep marching those knees. You guys got this. 

DEE: Reach all the way up! 

GABBY: Keep it up for ten, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and Spirit! 

(instructors clapping) 

Woo! Wipe that sweat off your brow. I am working up that sweat. Pull our chairs back out for exercise number three. Which is gonna be our Russian twists. Uh!   Wave those arms around a lot. A little floppy. Katie or Dee, we’re all gonna be starting with our hands together. They are married now, they’re never coming apart. If you’re doing it with me, for my version we’re raising one knee up at a time. We’re gonna switch halfway through. I’ll let you know when that point is. And for the movement, we’re starting by bringing one hand both my hands over to one side of our chair then bringing it across from our chest and then bringing it to the other side. Now the key here is to make sure that your shoulders and your head are following your hands as they twist from side to side. It looks like this. If you’re doing it with Katie. She’s got a little simpler version. No legs involved, all hand work. Going from side to side hitting one side of her chair then going over to the other side. 

DEE: All right Katie! 

GABBY: Awesome job. Good, thank you. If you’re doing it with Dee he’s gonna be bending those knees and leaning back Have both feet up. So he’s still gettin’ a nice twist in his core he’s got a lot more balance involved. So if you want that extra mean hard work this is what you’re gonna go with. Looks good Dee! Thank you. 

DEE: You’re welcome. 

GABBY: All right. Let’s get these Russian twists. In five, four, three, two, and one. Pick that one foot up. Pick up. All right, Dee’s on the ground! This is another variation you can do. So you can hold both feet still on the ground but just make sure you’ve got that nice lean back. We’ve got multiple versions. If you’re doing it with me, make sure you switch feet at that halfway point. Keep twisting, keep working that core. Katie’s got a core of steel! Yeah! And so does everybody at home too. I believe it! Keep working for five, four, three, two, and Spirit! 

(instructors clapping and cheering)

All right. You guys are crushing it. Let’s take a second, get a little water. Since we’re halfway through already. Whoo! I know I need it. Oh! Almost tripped over the floor. It’s all good. Let’s keep moving. Exercise number four. Some seal jacks. If you’re doing these seal jacks with me we’re gonna start with both of our feet together. And both of our hands together out in front of us. You’re gonna step one foot out to the side. As you step that foot out you’re gonna bring both hands straight out until you’re making this… I wanna call it a star but it’s a T with star legs. This position. And then you bring it all back to the center. Bring those hands together in front of you. Put your other foot out and your arms back out. And bring ’em back in. Running all through again, it looks like this. Step and clap. If you’re doing it with Katie she’s gonna be focusing on just the upper body version of it. So keeping her arms nice and straight she’s gonna start in that T position with her hands out to the sides and then bring them to meet in front of her. And then going back and forth from there. It looks good Katie! If you’re doing Dee he’s gonna be doing the same version I was except for he’s jumping both feet out at the same time. So he’s starting in that same starting position, feet together, hands together in front of him. And then as he jumps both of his feet out both of his hands come out to the sides and then he returns to that start position. That looks amazing Dee! Good work. All right. Let’s do these seal jacks! In five, four, three, two, and one. 

(upbeat music playing) 

Remember, you can go at whatever pace is comfortable for you. Me being me, y’all know I like that beat. Try to get on that beat. I’m missing it, but it’s okay. 

(instructors laughing) 

Dee’s got it though. Keep up that good work Dee. Keep it up everybody. You got 20 more seconds. Whoo! Focus on that breathing as well. Keep it up for ten, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and Spirit! 

(instructors clapping) 

Whoo! All right. Next exercise. It’s gonna be some bicep curls with a glute kick. If you’re doing it with me, we’re just gonna be doing the glute kick. You want to get standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Let me step back, there we go. Feet shoulder width apart. We’re gonna bring one heel behind you this time. Try and touch that heel to your bottom and get as close as you can and then switch to the other side. So you just switch it back and forth like this. Yeah. If you’re doing it with Katie she’s gonna be doing just the bicep curls. Working on them arms. So starting with her hands, arms nice and locked out. Nice and straight. She’s gonna bring her hands up to touch her shoulders and then straighten them out again. Just like that Katie. Looks good. If you’re doing it with Dee he’s combining both of them. Going with that bicep curl and the glute kick. So as he brings one heel up to touch his bottom he’s making both of his hands up to touch his shoulders. And then bringing it back down and switchin’ sides. Looks good Dee. Thank you. All right. Let’s do this. Bicep curls with a glute kick. In five, four, three, two, and one. 

(motivating music playing) 

There we go. Catch that groove. Keep rockin’ with it. You guys are looking amazing. We got 20 seconds. Added a little jig to mine. Nice. Keep going for five, four, three, two, and Spirit! 

(instructors clapping) 

Woo! All right. Last exercise before our challenge for today. It’s going to be press and row. If you’re doing the press and row with me we’re gonna pull our chairs out because we’re doing a renegade row. Or a bent over row. Whichever one you prefer. So for our row we’re gonna start with both of our hands flat on the seats of our chairs. Then we’re gonna pull one hand up and back. Squeezing our shoulder blade in the back as you pull it back and then bring it back down to the start and then switch to the other hand and put it back down. One more time. You’re pulling that hand back. Try to keep your hand, your fist right by your waist as you pull it back. And put it back down to the start and switch sides. So it looks like this. If you’re doing it with Katie she’s doing the classic press and row. Starting by pushing both of her hands straight out in front of her like she’s pushing the wall away from her. And then she’s pulling her hands back squeezing her shoulder blades on her back as she does it. Looks good, Katie. Thank you. If you’re doing it with Dee he’s gonna be going for an incline push up here. So the same motion as our press and row. Still squeezing them shoulder blades together in the back as he comes down bringing his chest down to the seat of his chair. And then as he comes back up, he’s rounding his back out again. That looks good Dee. 

DEE:  Thank you. 

GABBY: All right. Let’s do it. Last exercise before our challenge in five, four, three, two, and one. Doing that upper body. If you’re doing it with me, make sure you keep a slight bend in your knees as well. Don’t wanna lock your knees out. Woo! Keep it up Dee. Crushing it. Keep it up everybody at home. Woo! Looking good, Katie. All right, everybody. We got ten, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and Spirit! 

(instructors clapping) 


DEE: Yeah, I felt that one. 

GABBY: (laughs) It’s a good one to get them shoulders working. Ooh! All right. We got one more thing to do before we get to our stretches today. And that is, our Spirit challenge! 


And as always for our Spirit challenge we’re gonna be doing a select exercise for one full minute. The goal here is to keep moving through that entire minute and try and count how many reps you do. So you know what number to beat for the next time you decide to attempt this. For our challenge today we’re gonna be headed back to exercise number four. And we’re gonna be doing some seal jacks for our full minute. And we each have our own little versions for our seal jacks so, we’ll run through them one more time as a little refresh. If you’re doing it with me we’re starting with our feet together and our hands together in front of us. As you step one foot out to the side we’re bringing both hands out to the side until we’re making a T with our upper body. And then we’re stepping our foot back in bringing both our hands to clap in front of us. And then stepping that other foot out doing the same thing, bringing both hands out and bringing it back. If you’re doing it with Katie she’s gonna be focusing on just the upper body. So start with those hands in that big T. Gonna bring her hands to meet right in front of her chest while keeping her arms nice and straight. And then putting them back to the start position. Looks good, Katie. If you’re doing it with Dee he’s gonna be doing the same thing I was. But instead of stepping one foot out at a time, he’s jumping both feet out. As you can see, his hands are still connected to his feet. As he brings his feet out, his hands also come out and then as feet come in, hands come in. Awesome job Dee, looks good. And remember, we’re trying to do this for this full minute. So keep it up for the entire minute. I believe in you. Let’s do it. Let’s crush it. In five, four, three, two, and one. 

(upbeat music playing) 

DEE: My mic! 

GABBY: Oh no! It’s a casualty. It’s okay. Let’s keep moving guys. Woo! 

KATIE: Good job everyone. 

GABBY: Yay. 

DEE: Here we go. 

GABBY: Great job, everybody. Look at that. We got 15 more seconds. Keep it up for ten, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and Spirit! 

(instructors clapping)

Woo. Awesome job everybody! Let’s go ahead and switch our music over to some cool down jams. And we’ll keep moving. So for our first cool down stretch let’s start by bringing both of our hands together and reach ’em up to the sky. So you try to make yourself as tall as you can here, imagine yourself like you’re a tree. You’re a tree reaching for the sun. You know, trees work hard, so they gotta reach. And since this is our cool down as well, you wanna make sure you’re taking some deep breaths here. So you bring your heart rate back down. You can continue on with your day. Let’s keep reaching up for five, four, three, two, and one. Now, let’s bring both of our hands down all the way down and try to get as close to the ground as you can. Touch the toes. 

(relaxing instrumentals) 

Great job. Keep holding it for five, four, three, two, and one. Come back up nice and slow. Now let’s bring both of our hands over to one side of our body. If you’re sitting down with Katie, you can grab onto to the side of your chair. Otherwise, you can bring both of your hands. I’ll turn around. Both of your hands to the middle of your back from one side. And hold it there. Let’s try and get that twist in your spine. 

(relaxing instrumentals) 

Nice. Let’s hold on this side for three, two, and one. Let’s do the same thing on the other side. Let’s try to twist in this one direction as far as you can get it. 

(relaxing instrumentals) 

And hold it for three, two, and one. Bring it back to the front. Whoo! If you’re standing up let’s bring those legs out a little bit wider. ‘Cause we’re going for our side reaches next. Bring that one arm up over our head reaching over to the opposite side. Instead of switching, we’re just gonna hold it here. For some good old static stretching. 

(relaxing instrumentals) 

Three, two, and one. Let’s do a big windmill and switch sides. Lean big on this side and a little more. If you don’t feel like you’ve got that big stretch over here, it might be because your hand is falling in front of your face. So what you wanna do is roll your shoulder back until you can see this armpit right here. That means you’ve got it right. And your hand, your bicep should be right by your ear. That’s what this looks like. And let’s keep holding it for three, two, and one. Stand back up nice and tall. We’ve got two more stretches. Up next, we’re gonna do our shoulders. So let’s bring one arm across our body. And use that opposite arm to hook up over it and pull it into our chest, nice and tight. 

(relaxing instrumentals)

You look like you’re making a big plus sign with your forearms here. 

(relaxing instrumentals) 

Hold it for three, two, and one. Let’s switch to the other side. Great job. Let’s hold it for another three, two, and one. Let it go. Shake out them shoulders a little bit. Last stretch for today. We’re gonna bring our hands together again. And this time we’re sending them behind our head to the base of our necks. What we’re gonna do is push our elbows out. Push your chest forward a little. You wanna feel that stretch right across the top of your chest here. You can go like this or if you can’t get your hands behind your head you’ll hold your hands up in this 90 degree angle. Stay focused on pushing your elbows back as far back as you can get them. 

(slow rock music playing) 

Either way, let’s keep holding it for five, four, three, two, and Spirit! 

(instructors clapping) 

You guys did an amazing job with class today but we are all done. Fun’s all over. Sad face. It is okay, because we’ll see you around at the next one. See ya everybody. 

DEE: Thanks Gab! Thank you guys.

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