Welcome to Spirit Zumba! 🎉 Join Katie and Ana for a fun, energetic Zumba session designed for everyone! Whether you’re seated or standing, this workout is perfect for all abilities. Get ready to move, groove, and have a blast!
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NARRATOR: Thank you for watching! For a full transcript, please visit www.fun4thedisabled.com. We hope you enjoy the video!
NARRATOR: Your health and safety are important to us. Talk to your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise regimen. Any attempts to replicate the exercises shown in this video without professional supervision will be made at your own risk.
NARRATOR: Always consult a fitness professional for exercise advice. Strategy for Access NFP, Spirit Club, and any representatives thereof will not be held responsible or liable for any injury or harm sustained as a result of attempts to replicate the exercises shown in this video.
KATIE: Welcome, everyone, to Spirit Zumba! My name is Katie, and I will be your seated Zumba instructor today, and with me I have Ana! Hi, Ana!
ANA: Hey, Katie! And welcome, everyone! And I will be doing, uh, the standing version…
ANA: …today.
KATIE: So make sure you have some water, feel free to grab it whenever you need, and we’re gonna jump right in! So we’re gonna start off with the warm-up song, to get our muscles all ready for our workout, so let’s jump right in. Here we go.
[Yo Creà by AVNS plays.]
KATIE: Let’s take a deep breath in. Exhale, arms down. We’re gonna do a big circle, and bicep curl, bicep curl. Again. Circle, and bend. Bend. We’re gonna reach across, down. Across, and down. Good. Again. Across, down. If you’re following Ana, she’s also taking a step with her foot, so follow her arms. Good! Let’s open wide to the left, and close. Open right, and close. Left, close. right, close. Left, close. Good!
KATIE: Let’s do that big circle again. And bend. And bend. Again. Circle. Bend. Bend. And circle. Good job everyone! Last time, here we go! This time, we’re gonna reach up, alternating sides. Good! Up. Down. Up. Down. Good! Whoo! Nice!
KATIE: We’re gonna go back to opening, closing, opening, and closing. Also stepping your foot out if you’re standing. Circle! Bend. Bend. Circle. Bend. Bend. Good! We’re gonna do a side stretch, come down. One more, side stretch, and down. Good! Other side, side stretch, and down. One more. And down. Good! Big circles. And bend, and bend. Good! Again.
KATIE: Awesome job, everyone! Good job, Ana! Last time. Good job, everyone! You all are doing amazing! Grab water if you need, we’re gonna go to our next one.
[El Ritmo by Fassounds plays.]
KATIE: Start with the arm going out, two teacups (?). Arm going out, two teacups. If you’re standing, you’re gonna go arm out, take two side steps. And again, arm out, two. Arm out, two teacups. Good! Arm out, two teacups. Good!
KATIE: We’re gonna brush shoulder twice, twice, and then one, two, three. And again. Twice, twice, one, two, three. And again. Twice, twice, one, two, three. Nice job. One, two, three.
KATIE: Wave the arms to the side, good. Ana’s walking forward and back. Good job, everyone. We’re gonna go back out with the arms, and two teacups. Two teacups. Going out, two teacups. Last time, here we go.
KATIE: We’re gonna go back to shoulders, twice, twice, one, two, three. And again. Twice, twice, one, two, three. Good job! And again. One, two, three. Last time. One, two, three. And good.
ANA: Yeah!
KATIE: Awesome job, everyone! Grab water if you need.
[Si Tu Te Tiras by Dimitrix plays.]
KATIE: We’ll jump right in. Okay. Arms up right, left, full circle. Left, right, and a big circle. Punch up and down. Other side, up and down. Good. Left, punch up and down. Good. Right. Good. We’re gonna punch, down, down, over the head. Down, down, over the head. Again. Down, down, over the head. Down. Down. Over the head.
KATIE: We’re gonna flick twice, high and low. Other side, and low. High, low. High, and low. Good job, everyone! If you’re watching Ana, she’s also tapping her foot. High, low. High, low. Good!
KATIE: Right, left, circle. Left, right, circle. And again. Right, left, circle. Left, right, and circle. Good! Let’s do that punching. Up and down. Good. Other side. Nice. Left. Other side. Good! And then we’re gonna circle, circle, and big one. Right, left, and circle. Right, left, circle. Left, right, and circle.
KATIE: Whoo! Good job, everyone!
[Focalor’s Revenge Salsa by Tauraseth plays.]
KATIE: Alright, so what we’re gonna do is you’re gonna shake left, shoulder shake to the right, and up. Shake left, shake right, arms up. Shake, shake, up. Out, out, and circle. out with the arms, out with the arms, and circle. Again, if you’re standing, you’re gonna move one arm out with the leg. And then big circle.
KATIE: Shake! Shake! Arms up. Shake. Shake. Arms up. Shake. Shake. Arms up. Shake. Good. Shake, arms up, out, out. Big circle. Again. Out. Out. Big circle. Nice! Out. Out. Circle. Whoo! Again. Good! A little bit longer. Whoo. Good! We’re moving one leg out, other leg out, over.
KATIE: And big circle. Again. Almost there! Here we go. And then we’re shaking, shaking, arms up. Shaking, shaking, both shoulders, arms up. Shake, shake, arms up. Shake, shake, arms up. And good!
ANA: Yes!
KATIE: Let’s move into our next one. Here we go.
[Born Again by Wholm plays.]
KATIE: We’re gonna do a big half circle to the right. Half circle to the left. Half circle to the right. and half circle to the left. Good.
KATIE: We’re gonna go out with the right, left, up, and up. Good. Whoo! We’re gonna open one arm, other arm, big stretch overhead. Open arm, open the other arm, big stretch overhead. Good, let’s keep going with open, open, big stretch. Last time. Here we go. Overhead. Good!
KATIE: We’re gonna march in place, and clap. And clap. whoo! We’re gonna do a half-circle to the right, here we go. Good! Half circle other direction. Half circle. One more. Good! We’re gonna go out, out, up, up. And again, out, out, up, up. Out, out, up, up. Out, out, up, up. Good! Open, open, overhead. Open, open, overhead. Good! Let’s do that again.
KATIE: Big stretch overhead. One more time. Open, open, and big stretch overhead. Good. We’re gonna march in place, and clap. Whoo! Awesome job everyone!Â
KATIE: Alright, let’s go into our cool-down song. We’re gonna stretch it out. Here we go.
[Moon Mother by Richard Farrell plays.]
KATIE: Let’s take a deep breath in, and exhale. Good. Let’s go over with one side, and we’re gonna hold this side stretch. Good. Come down. Bring up the other arm. Good. Hold, bring it down nice and slow. Let’s put our hands behind our head. Look up, opening the chest. Good.
KATIE: We’re gonna fully bring our head down to one shoulder, nice and slow. Good. Let’s bring our head down to the other side. Good. With our arms wide out, we’re gonna cross one across our chest and hold.
KATIE: Good, let’s open back up, nice and wide, cross the other arm over. With our arms open, we’re gonna bring one arm behind the head, and hold. Good. And let’s hold the other arm. Good!
KATIE: Now let’s bring both arms down, nice and slow. We’re gonna intertwine our fingers and go down on one knee, stretching that hamstring if you’re standing. Good. We’re gonna come up, and switch sides. Good. We’re gonna drop down to reach towards our toes, and we’re gonna come up nice and slow, with our head being the last to come up. Good.
KATIE: Let’s do some shoulder rolls back. Good. Alright, let’s switch, and let’s go forward now with our shoulder rolls. Good. Let’s do one last big stretch up, and come down, and exhale.
KATIE: Whoo! Good job, everyone! We hope you had an awesome time dancing with us, I know I had fun. How about you, Ana?
ANA: I’m feeling great, I enjoyed a lot. I loved the songs, and I loved the choreos.
KATIE: Me too! Good job! And good job, Ana! Alright, good job, everyone! We will see you next time. Thank you for coming!
ANA: Thank you for joining! Bye!
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