
Join us for another #fun4thedisabled #fitnesswithfriends video featuring Story Time Spirit Club Fitness! This video goes through a fun and interactive workout video based on Harry Potter characters. All Fitness with Friends videos are closed-captioned and ASL interpreted to bring you the most accessible content. #HarryPotter #Workout #fitness #disability #asl

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VOICE: Thank you for watching and for a full transcript, visit www.Fun4theDisabled.com. We hope you enjoy. When joining us for this video you need to take some precautions as your health and safety are the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Strategy for Access Foundation NFP and SPIRIT Club will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video. 

MALE VOICE: Welcome to SPIRIT Club Story Time Fitness. SPIRIT Club’s Story Time Fitness presents Harry Potter and the Chamber of SPIRIT Club. Throughout this class we will be using magic wands as part of of our exercises. If you do not have a magic wand feel free to get creative. You can use a paper towel roll, a ruler or even just an imaginary wand. Later in this class, we will use broomsticks for quidditch. Again, feel free to get creative or use your imagination. 

HARRY POTTER: Hello, prospective Hogwarts students. Thank you for coming to our tour today. My name is Harry Potter. I will be your lovely tour guide for today around this beautiful old campus. But before we jump into it, I gotta introduce you to my best friends, my ride or dies, the number ones in the planet. Bless y’all. We got my friends, Ron and Hermione helping me out today. 

HERMIONE GRANGER: Hi everyone, my name is Hermione Granger. I’m half Muggle, half wizard. What I lack in pure-blood wizardness I make up for in good grades and rule following. As the kids say, I’m a try hard. 

RON WEASLEY: Hidey ho, neighborinos. My name is Ron Weasley and I am one of seven Weasley children. And I also have my signature red hair. It’s hard to tell sometimes I seem to blend in and stand out all at the same time. 

HARRY: It’s a mystery to all of us, Ron. Well, thank you guys for joining me here today. Before we get started on our tour though we will be kind of a little sorry about it if we didn’t do some stretches before we get to walking. So let’s go ahead and do that. If you’re going to, if you’re comfortable standing up and doing these exercises you’re gonna be following me. If you’re gonna be doing them on a seated level, you’ll be following Hermione through our tour. And if you’re feeling big and strong today and need a little challenge you’ll be following Ron for our advanced versions of our exercises. All right, he’s got the jig going. Let’s go ahead and pull out our wands everybody. Don’t worry if you don’t have a wand with you you can go ahead and make one up. Act like you’re holding it in your hand, ’cause we’re gonna need it for our warm up exercises for today. Our first, one we’re gonna hold our wands in both of our hands. Let’s see everybody get those wands up right here in the middle, there we go. And then we’re gonna reach them up to the sky. Put those wands up, up, up, and then reaching down to the ground. Give it a quick little tap with it and then go back up and down. So myself, Ron and Hermione we’re all doing the same thing here. We just bringing our wands up into the sky and then bringing them down to the ground. Great job everybody, keep it up. For 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. Beautiful job everybody. 

All right, up next we gonna hold the wands in both of our hands again. Make sure we got them up and we’re going be twisting with them. So make sure we’re holding them with both hands, we’re gonna bring them over to one side of our body. If you’re sitting down with Hermione you can tap the one side of your chair and then we’re gonna bring it across and tap that other side. So we’re just going for a nice gentle twist here with our wands. 

(upbeat music) 

And if you’re following with beast man Ron you could be going a little faster here. Try to warm up our core a little bit. Beautiful job everybody. Let’s keep it up. For 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. 

Whoa, all right, we’re gonna move to some target practice now. ‘Cause as you can see we’re outside in this beautiful outdoors, but oh look, there’s a Dementor over there! We gotta get that target practice in. We’re going to hold our wands in one hand with whoever you’re following. Gonna bring it behind yourself to one side, and zap that Dementor right there! Then bring it all the way back around, switch hands in front of you and do the same thing on that other side.

(upbeat music) 

Gotta make sure you get that lean in there. And like I mentioned earlier, if you’re following Ron he’s got some quick hands. He’s gonna be going a little faster here. But still know that myself and Hermione, we are going for it. Keep seeing those Dementors everybody looking great. 

(upbeat music) 

Let’s keep shooting For 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. Gotta get one last shot in there, everybody get one big shot, boom! Great job, everyone. 

HERMIONE: Harry, we have to practice for Professor Flitwick’s new Charms exam. I wanna show you both a new charm. If done correctly, it’ll make us stronger and healthier. It’s no “Wingardium Leviosa”, but it’s a good one. Prospective students, you can choose which one of us to follow. If you’re following Harry, you’re gonna be standing. You’re going to take both arms up above your head with your wand in hand and you’re gonna bring it up and then you’re gonna bring it down diagonally. And we’re gonna go up with the other side and bring it down. If you’re you’re following me, you’re gonna be in a seated position and you’re gonna be doing the same thing going up, bringing it down, back up. And if you are following Ron, you’re gonna be standing and you’re going to be doing this exercise a little bit faster. All right, so here we go. And let’s do it. 

(upbeat music) 

Good job everyone. 

(upbeat music) 

Good, keep moving. 

(upbeat music) 

Nice work. 

HARRY: Guys, it’s really working. 

HERMIONE: All right, here we go. 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. Good job everyone. 

HARRY: Thanks for the Charms lesson, Hermione. I feel more magical already. 

RON: Hey, you guys know what’s next? 

HERMIONE: No. What? 

RON: I’ll give you a hint. It’s a sport that has to do with your favorite cleaning supplies. 

HARRY: Quidditch! 

HERMIONE: Quidditch! 

RON: Quidditch! We’re gonna to do some quidditch squats. So everybody grab your broom. And if you’re gonna be following Harry, you’re gonna get onto your broom. Keep your shoulders, knees, feet all in the same line. And you’re gonna bend at your waist and push up off your heels for a big squat. If you’re following Hermione in our seated position we’re gonna bend over and then raise our arms up overhead. And then if you’re following the Quidditch all-star, me, Ron Weasley, we’re gonna put it all together. So we’re gonna bend over at our hips and then put our arms straight up overhead for a squat to overhead press. All right, everybody get your brooms ready. Get on those brooms and let’s get to quidditching. Let’s go team. 

(upbeat music) 

Nice work. 

(upbeat music) 

Very good. Make sure you watch out for those bludgers, they’re coming for us. Nice work. Harry, practice your Seeker abilities and get that Snitch. Good work everybody. 

HARRY: I’m so close! 

RON: Halfway there, team! And 20, 19, great, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. And everyone throw your quaffles into the goal! Gryffindor wins! I was happy to know that I was playing with a bunch of Viktor Krums here. 

HERMIONE: All right everyone, in just a bit we have an appointment with the Sorting Hat. But first we need to take the stairs to the Grand Hall. 

HARRY: Can’t we just use our magic or teleport ourselves somewhere so that way, we don’t have to take all these stairs? 

HERMIONE: Harry, if we use magic to solve all of our problems our books would be like two sentences long. It’d be like, “Once upon a time, Harry Potter was a wizard. He uses magic to make himself filthy rich and he lived happily ever after.” See? That wasn’t very interesting, and that is why we take the stairs. 

HARRY: Okay, I guess you’re right. Well, since we’re going to drag ourselves up these stairs, let’s go ahead and bring our wands with us to make it a little bit more fun. We’re gonna include some movement in there and we’re gonna do some Hogwarts high knees. So if you’re doing these high knees with me, we’re gonna be standing with our feet shoulder width apart, make sure we’re standing up nice and tall so those shoulders are rolled back, chest is going forward. What we’re gonna do is hold our wands in both of our hands like this. Hold it out right in front of your hips at about a 90 degree angle. So you have a target for your knees to bring up to while we’re walking up these stairs. So you’re gonna hold your wand out right here. And bring your knee up to it just like this. If you’re doing these high knees with Hermione, she’s gonna be doing some biceps curls for us. So she’s gonna be starting with her hands nice and straight it out in front of her. And then she’s gonna bring both of her hands up to touch her shoulders and bring them back to the start. Really working on those arms! Yeah Hermione, just like that. If you’re doing it with Ron, he’s gonna be combining both of them doing, some high knees with them bicep curls. So he’s bringing one knee up at a time. And as he brings that knee up, he’s curling those hands up to touch his shoulders. Awesome job Ron, you guys know what we’re doing. Let’s go ahead and get started with it in 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. 

♪ Let’s get to movin’ everybody ♪ 

♪ Heck yeah we’re gonna sing a stair song ♪ 

♪ This is a stair song ♪ 

♪ While we’re going up these stairs ♪ 

♪ This is a stair song ♪ 

♪ I know these pictures are moving ♪ 

♪ And it’s a little weird, but it’s okay ♪ 

♪ Cause that’s just how it goes around out here, yeah ♪ 

Great job everybody. Keep them bodies moving. We’ve got 30 more seconds. 

(upbeat music) 

Nice, keep it up. We’ve got 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. We made it. We conquered the stairs! Great job, everybody. Top notch job everyone. Alright, what do we have here? 

HERMIONE: Don’t you remember, Harry? This is the Sorting Hat. 

HARRY: The Sorting Hat? 

RON: Yeah, this is that hat that got– sorted us into Gryffindor all those years ago. If we didn’t get sorted then we wouldn’t have been best friends. 

HERMIONE: Yeah, had we not gotten sorted into Gryffindor, we might have had the misfortune of being with the Ravenclaw riff-raff, the Hufflepuff goofballs, or the Slytherin bad apples. 

HARRY: Speaking of bad apples, have you ever noticed that there’s a lot of expressions with fruit in it, but not a lot of vegetables. 

HERMIONE: What about “cool as a cucumber”? 

RON: Or “a hot potato”? 

HERMIONE: “You’re full of beans”? 

HARRY: Huh? Yeah, I guess I really didn’t think that comment through. Okay, so how about that Sorting Hat? In its honor, I think we should do a medley compromise of Hufflepuff hops, Ravenclaw rows, and the Slytherin slide. We’re all gonna do each of the exercises together. So let’s start off with those Hufflepuff hops. If you’re doing the version with me, we’re gonna stand with our feet about shoulder width apart and we’re gonna get ready. ‘Cause all we’re gonna do is come up off of our heels onto our tippy toes and come back down to the ground. And remember there’s gonna be three different versions for each of these exercises. So you could choose between myself, Ron, or Hermione, whoever you wanna follow and go from there. So this is my version of the Hufflepuff hops. If you’re gonna be doing these Hufflepuff hops with Hermione, she’s gonna be doing some front shoulder raises. So she’s starting with her hands straight down by her sides and then like a zombie she’s gonna bring them up in front of her, until her hands stop at about shoulder height and then bring it back down to the start. Just like that, Hermione. Beautiful. If you’re doing them with Ron, because he is the OG here, he’s gonna be doing the full Hufflepuff hops. So he is staying on his toes, as he gets some air in there he’s gonna hop up and down just– and repeating the motion. Like a little bunny ’cause Ron’s a bunny. Alright, great job, Ron. Let’s go ahead and do our Hufflepuff hops everybody. In 3, 2, and 1. Can think of that like a little blast off! 

(upbeat music) 

Make sure you’ve got your best balance on hand because you’re definitely going to need it here. So if you feel like you’re losing your balance a little bit, you can grab onto an object off to your side or hold your hands out like this. ‘Cause we are wizards here, and after all, we can’t fly. It takes a lot of balance. Let’s keep going with our hops, everybody for 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. Beautiful job. 

Up next we’re gonna do those Ravenclaw rows. So if you’re doing those rows with me, we’re gonna start with our hands right here in front of our shoulders. Gonna push them straight out until we got our arms fully extended. And then you’re gonna pull them back. Make sure you squeeze them shoulder blades together in the back. And then one more time, you gonna push those arms straight out in front of you and then pull them back. If you’re doing these Ravenclaw rows with Hermione it’s gonna look a little similar. She’s still starting in that same position with her hands right by her shoulders. Gonna push both of her hands straight out until her arms are fully extended in front of her and then pulling them back, make sure to squeeze them shoulder blades together. Beautiful job as always Hermione. If you’re doing them with Ron, he’s gonna be taking a little angle here instead of doing his rows standing straight up. It’s gonna be going down to the ground with him. So instead of pushing his hands straight out in front of him, he’s gonna be reaching down on a little angle until his hands are still fully excited in front of him. And then he is gonna pull his hands back. Same thing as always, make sure to squeeze them shoulder blades together. Beautiful job, Ron. Let’s go with these rows everybody in 3, 2, and 1. Push it out, pull it back in. Yeah, if you got your wand in your hand, you could grab both, put it in both of your hands. It gives you something to hold onto as you push it out and pull it back in. 

(upbeat music) 

Yeah, awesome job, everybody. Keep it up. 

(upbeat music) 

Make sure you keep breathing while we are doing this exercise. We can’t have you hold your breath (indistinct). Alright, let’s keep it up for 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. 

All right, last little exercise here in our Sorting Hat medley is gonna be our Slytherin slide. Ooh, it’s another balance test here. If you’re doing this Slytherin slide with me, gotta push your glasses up. We’re gonna start with our feet nice, together, right under us. We’re gonna step it out to one side, bring them feet together and then step it over to the other side, same thing. One more time, just stepping out from side to side. You can add a little groove in there whatever you’re called to do, you can do it. If you’re doing the slide with Hermione she’s gonna be doing some side bends. So she’s reaching one hand down at a time to the ground on her side and coming back up and reaching down on the other side. So she looks like a little penguin because this is the first half of the penguin waddle baloo, we’ll get there at another time. It looks beautiful, Hermione. If you’re doing it with Ron, he’s gonna be doing a little exaggerated version of our side step. He’s gonna be jumping over from one foot to the other, but instead of going back and forth, he’s gonna be bringing one foot behind him at a time to stabilize himself as he goes from side to side. Beautiful job, Ron. All right guys, let’s do this Slytherin slide, get slippery and slidey in 3, 2, and 1. 

(upbeat music) 

HERMIONE: Good job, everyone. Ron and Harry. 

HARRY: Thank you, Hermione. You’re doing an amazing job yourself. So I would take that as a compliment. Cause real recognizes real. Great. 

(upbeat music) 

Keep on sliding everybody. 

(upbeat music) 

Keep on fighting, we’re almost done. We got 20 more seconds. 

(upbeat music) 

And keep it up for 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. Nice job, everyone. That was a fun one. 

RON: Hey guys, remember when we were in school and they kept replacing our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher? I think we had six of them. Well guess what? They’ve just made me the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for Hogwarts. 

HERMIONE: Oh, wow! That is something. 

HARRY: But Ron, you’ve never been that good at school or magic for that matter. 

RON: I know right? I was pretty shocked too. But I guess with the labor shortage, they’ll just hire anybody these days. So regardless, I guess I’m gonna teach the next lesson for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. And as Harry mentioned, I’m not very good at magic. So instead of using our wands, let me put that down so we’re all safe, we’re gonna use our fists and fight the bad guys with our boxing moves. All right, so if you are following Harry, you’re gonna put your hands to your face and you’re gonna throw out your fist right about eye level. You can bounce up your knees to give yourself a little more momentum to really get those bad guys. All right and if you’re following Hermione in the seated position, you’re also gonna put your hands up to your face and get those fists right about eye level and get as bad guys from all sides. If you’re gonna follow me in the advanced version, we’re gonna get in a staggered boxing stance, we’re gonna punch at eye level and we’re also gonna duck in between our jabs. All right, let’s get to boxing some bad guys. Let’s get those Death Eaters everybody. Boxing in 3, 2, and spirit. Let’s go guys. Gotta get these Death Eaters out of Hogwarts. Nice work. Keep those hands up so their spells don’t get us. Nice job everybody, we’re halfway there. Give it all you can. 

HARRY: Really coming. 

RON: And 20, 19, greateen, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. Good work, everybody. All right, great work everybody. Now if You-Know-Who comes around trying to start a boxing match, we’ll be ready for him. 

HARRY: Who’s “You-Know-Who”? 

HERMIONE: Oh, you know, Harry, the most evil wizard to ever walk the planet. 

HARRY: Doesn’t ring a bell. 

RON: It starts with a V. 

HARRY: Can I call a lifeline? 


HARRY: I’d like to buy a vowel, please. 

RON: Oh my goodness, it’s Voldemort, Harry! (laughs) 

HARRY: I got you to say “Voldemort,” yeah! All right, everybody. I promised Hagrid I’d go feed his dog… thing. In order to do that, we need to head to the Forbidden Forest. As we all know, the Forbidden Forest is filled with some unsavory creatures. So we need to protect, ourselves to get through it. Let’s all do some planks so that nobody will see us. If you’re doing these planks with me, we’re gonna be crawling through the forest. We’re gonna pull out our chairs actually, because for my little version of the planks, we’re gonna bring both of our hands down, onto the seat of our chairs step both of our feet back until we’re in this nice straight line, making this straight line with our bodies, engage that core and we’re holding it right here. This is how we’re getting through that Forbidden Forest, folks. If you’re doing it with Hermione she’s gonna be holding both hands up, cause she’s on a rollercoaster and she’s gonna bring her back off of her back rest. So she’s leaning forward and making sure she’s engaging her core as she’s reaching both hands out. Just like that, Hermione, and we’re gonna hold it there, remember. And if you’re doing it with Ron, he’s gonna be doing these planks on the ground instead of using the chair. So he is gonna set up the same way I did have both of his, excuse me, elbows right under his shoulders. And he is gonna make sure he is making a straight line with his body as he steps both of his feet back. And he is gonna be holding that position while he gets through the Forbidden Forest. Alright my friends, let’s go ahead and bust out these planks so we can go feed this dog! Yeah, ’cause dog sitting is fun! Let’s do it in 3, 2, and 1, feet back! We gotta hold it. If you want to, you can even march your hands a little bit cause we are still crawling through the forest regardless. 

(upbeat music) 

Oh, make sure you guys stay quiet too. As we’ve all heard before, the Forest does have ears. The trees have ears! 

(upbeat music) 

All right, let’s keep going. We’re almost there. Keep it up. For 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and spirit. (clapping) We made it, everybody. All right, everyone. We made it through the Forest. 

We have one more activity of the day, which is what I call our spirit challenge. The spirit challenge is extra challenging because it involves a matter of national security. There’s a gang of Death Eaters and Dementors right around the corner! Oh my God! If we could get back to the castle before they get there– get here– we’ll be able to lock them out and protect Hogwarts. Let’s use our fast feet to beat them. If you’re doing these fast feet with me, all we’re doing, with the feet about shoulder width apart, pick them up as fast as we can. ‘Cause we gotta run, man! We gotta run! If you’re doing it with Hermione, she’s gonna be doing some running arms. So instead of pumping her feet as fast as she can, she’s gonna be pumping those arms back and forth as fast as she can. And Hermione is a track star. So we know she’s probably gonna beat us there, honestly. If you’re doing it with Ron, he’s doing the same thing I am. He’s picking his feet up as fast as he can. ‘Cause we’re all gonna be running away from these Dementors! Just like that Ron. Alright, my friends. Let’s go ahead and knock this one out. The last one for today. 

Let’s do these fast feet in 3, 2, and 1. Make sure you got your wands in hand too because the Dementors are coming up behind us. Oh, my God, they’re so close! We gotta zap them out! You gotta go over this way. Hermione, you got eyes on these Dementors? Where they at? 

HERMIONE: Yeah look, they’re right behind you! 

HARRY: Oh man! Ah! Alright, alright. Keep running guys! We got this! Wait, is that it? I think I see Hogwarts! I see it in the distance, let’s run a little bit faster! Nice running guys. We got 30 more seconds til we’re there. Keep it up. Make sure you keep moving. You gotta keep going too. So try not to stay in one spot. I’m sure somebody will let me know if I got a Dementor coming up behind me so I’m gonna focus on keeping you guys safe. 

RON: Watch it, Harry! 

HARRY: Aah! All right guys, we’re almost there! Let’s do this! We got 10, 9, 8 great, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, hold on, 2, and spirit! Whoo! Beautiful job, everybody, we made it. Great fast feet. I know I’m a little outta breath from that one, but we made it back in one piece and that’s all that matters to me. Well, prospective students, that was the last activity on our tour. 

Before we say goodbye though, let’s end with some sensible stretches. ‘Cause after all that hard work of defending Hogwarts, we gotta stretch our bodies out. So everybody make sure you got your wand in both of your hands. We’re gonna start by reaching both hands up over our head to the sky. And we’re imagining we are some of those trees in the Forbidden Forest. So we’re swaying in the breeze, but at the same time, we’re making ourself as tall as we can. 

(relaxed instrumentals) 

Myself, Hermione, and Ron, we are all doing the same stretches here. We’re gonna keep reaching up for 5, 4, 3, 2, and now we’re gonna bring both of our hands down to the ground because we stretched all the way up. Now we gotta reach down. Try to get them wands as close to the ground as you can get them. 

(upbeat music) 

Great job. Let’s keep reaching down for 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. We’re gonna come back up nice and slow. 

(upbeat music) 

All right, so if you’re standing up with myself or Ron we’re gonna step our legs out nice and wide. And then with whoever you’re doing with we’re going to bring our wand in one hand, reaching up over our head and reaching it over to the opposite side. We’re going for a side reach here. So you feel that stretch in the side of your body as you’re reaching over. If you can’t feel it make sure you have your shoulder right by your ear. Or the side of your head as you’re reaching over. Make sure you got that wand out too. You’ve already gotten away from those Dementors, but that doesn’t mean they’re not coming back. 

(upbeat music) 

Reaching over this way for 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. And now we’re gonna switch sides. Give me your best windmill impression here. 

(upbeat music)

And let’s hold it, 5 4, 3, 2, and spirit. Some beautiful stretching everybody. But alas, our tour is over. We are all done for today. 

RON: So long! 

HERMIONE: Farewell. 

HARRY: Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye!.

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