
Join us for an energizing and accessible boxing workout designed for everyone! Whether you’re standing or seated, this class will get your heart pumping and muscles moving. Follow along with Kristian and Ana as they guide you through a series of punches, defensive moves, and stretches, all while keeping the fun and motivation high! 💪✨

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NARRATOR: Thank you for watching! For a full transcript, please visit www.fun4thedisabled.com. We hope you enjoy the video! Your health and safety are important to us. Talk to your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise regimen. Any attempts to replicate the exercises shown in this video without professional supervision will be made at your own risk.  Always consult a fitness professional for exercise advice. Strategy for Access NFP, Spirit Club, and any representatives thereof will not be held responsible or liable for any injury or harm sustained as a result of attempts to replicate the exercises shown in this video.

KRISTIAN: Hello, everybody! Welcome to Spirit Club boxing class. My name is Kristian, and I am here joined by the amazing trainer…

ANA: Hello everyone! My name is Ana, and I will be your seated trainer for today.

KRISTIAN: Alright, Ana, everybody – we’re going to start our class off with some warm-up exercises to get our muscles fired up and ready to go. So, our first exercise – we’re gonna start off with some torso twists. We’re gonna have our elbows to the sides, we’re gonna be twisting from left to the right.

KRISTIAN: So as you see, Ana is doing the seated versions of all of our moves today during our class. I’m going to be doing the standing version, so you can follow either of us, whichever way you decide to do it.

KRISTIAN: Alright, so we’re going to keep our twists going from side to side. Make sure you’re opening up your range of motion, and you’re going to twist a little bit bigger.

KRISTIAN: Alright, Ana, we’re gonna turn it up now. We’re gonna add some punches to go with the twists. And twist, and punch. Nice job, we’re going to keep this going for ten more seconds. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Awesome, everybody. Good job, Ana!

ANA: Woo hoo! High five!

KRISTIAN: High five!

KRISTIAN: Next up, we’re gonna do some floor touches. So we’re gonna start off with our hands up high above our heads, getting a nice stretch in our shoulders, and then we’re gonna go down low towards the floor. And then bring it back up again.

KRISTIAN: All right. And even if you can’t touch the floor, just reach those fingertips as low as you can and try to make the effort to get them a little bit lower each time. All right, let’s do this Ana! Let’s go, everybody! Down, and up.

ANA: Yes!

KRISTIAN: Ten more seconds. Feel that stretch in your legs, in your back, in your shoulders. Five, four, three, two, and spirit.

KRISTIAN: All right, we’re gonna do one more warm-up exercise. This next one is gonna be for our upper body; our chest, shoulders, and back. So we’re gonna start off by wrapping our arms around our upper body, giving ourselves a nice, big hug. And then we’re gonna pull apart, big and wide.

KRISTIAN: Nice, Ana.

ANA: Thank you!

KRISTIAN: Good job, everybody! As we’re going along, try to open those arms up a little bit bigger each time.

KRISTIAN: All right, fifteen seconds. Let’s get a little bit more pace! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Way to go, everybody! Nice work, Ana!

ANA: Thank you!

KRISTIAN: All right, everybody, so we are gonna get right into it. We’re gonna start off by getting into our boxing stance, which means we have to keep our guards up. So we’re gonna have one hand and arm to protect our face, for most people that’s gonna be the back hand. So everybody, let’s get that back hand up. And with the front hand and arm, you’re gonna have it covering your body.

KRISTIAN: All right, so you’re gonna be at a slight angle and have both hands up, get a nice bounce going. Anybody who’s doing this standing, you want to keep a staggered stance, one foot in front of the other. Keep those hips shoulder-width apart, so you can move and shift around while still keeping good balance.

KRISTIAN: All right, so me and Ana, we’re just gonna keep our bounce going. Make sure, everybody, you’re nice and comfortable in your stance. All right, looking good, Ana!

ANA: Thank you!

KRISTIAN: Now, punches. So let’s start it off with the jab. We’re gonna do a right jab – a right jab is just a straight, forward punch, and then bringing it back. Awesome. Good work. As we go along, try to put some more power in those punches. More power, more quickness.

KRISTIAN: Awesome! All right, five seconds, and then we’ll switch into the left. Three, two, and one. Let’s go with the left jab now.

KRISTIAN: Awesome work, awesome jab you’ve got, Ana.

ANA: Nice work, everybody.


ANA: Woo hoo!

KRISTIAN: Yeah! We’re gonna bring them both together now, so now we’re going right and left. Two quick, back-to-back jabs, right and left. Let’s go! We got ten seconds.

KRISTIAN: Five, four, three, two, and spirit. Awesome, nice job. Way to go! All right, so that was our first punch – the jab. We’re gonna keep our bounce going, keep those hands up. We’ve got another punch that we have to get into, and this one is gonna be the hook. So with the hook, we’re gonna use a little bit more of our midsection to bring a little more power into the punch by winding up and coming across our body.

KRISTIAN: So we’ll start off with the right hook. Boom. Just winding up, and coming across your body. All right, let’s do it!

KRISTIAN: Awesome! Nice right hook, Ana. Good job, everyone! All right, two more. Boom, let’s switch into the left now. Left hook.

KRISTIAN: Nice job, all right. We did the right, we did the left, we’re gonna bring them together in three, two, one. Let’s go! One, two, left, right, boom, boom. You can switch up that lead hand, you can go with a left-right, or you can go right-left. All right, let’s spice it up a little bit, Ana – we’re gonna add a third hook. So let’s go! Three hooks, one, two, three. One, two, three. Awesome, Ana!

ANA: Woo hoo! Work those arms!

KRISTIAN: Oh yeah, we’re getting a good shoulder workout. Keep those punches going for ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Nice work! Good job.

KRISTIAN: So we’ve got one more punch, last punch. This is our power punch: our uppercut. So if we’re going for the knockout, this is the punch that’s gonna get us there. So let’s get back into our stance. For the uppercut, we’re gonna start down low to get the power-up, bringing your fist down by your hip and then driving upwards. So your fist should be well above your head at the end of that punch.

KRISTIAN: All right, so with this one, we’re gonna go with both sides, left and right. So let’s do it, let’s go with the right uppercut, and the left.

KRISTIAN: Awesome. There you go. Good job, Ana! Bring it!

ANA: Thank you!

KRISTIAN: All right, time to step it up now. We’re gonna go with four uppercuts now, we’re going for speed and power. We’ll go one, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. All right, let’s go everybody. Four uppercuts, back to back.

KRISTIAN: Great job! Ten seconds left, let’s get as many as we can. Speed it up! Five, four, three, two, and spirit. Awesome job, way to go! Nice one, Ana.

KRISTIAN: All right, so we got the punches, so we’ll take a quick break for anybody for needs a sip of water or a breather. Next up, we’re gonna do our defensive moves. So defense with our offense, and offense with our defense. We’re gonna bring the two together, but we’ll start off with the defensive moves by themselves.

KRISTIAN: So let’s get back into that stance again, get those hands up, get that bounce going. Our first defensive move we’re gonna do is the block. So the block is where we’re gonna bring both forearms up, creating a shield in front of our face so that if there’s a punch coming our way, we can just – boom, block. Keep ourselves protected. So as you see Ana doing her block, you’re gonna bring those forearms together as quick as you can. Train those muscles to react in an instant.

KRISTIAN: Awesome, the blocks look good! So we’re gonna bring our punches back to go with the block. So we’re gonna go through with our jab, block, hook, block, uppercut, block. Two of each punch. Two jabs, block. Two uppercuts, block. Two hooks, block. So let’s go. You don’t have to do the punches in any order; just make sure you get two, and then block afterwards.

KRISTIAN: Let’s go, Ana!

ANA: Woo hoo!

KRISTIAN: Yeah! All right, twenty seconds. Try to see how fast you can go through all those moves!

KRISTIAN: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. Awesome job! All right!

ANA: High five!

KRISTIAN: High five, Ana!

ANA: High five! [laughs]

KRISTIAN: All right, we’ve got two more defensive moves, let’s keep ourselves going! This next one we’re gonna do is the shoulder roll. So we’re just leaning our shoulders side to side, and then imagine there’s some punches coming your way, and you’ve got to dodge them. All right, so let’s practice that right now. Just leaning our upper body side to side. Let’s go!

KRISTIAN: There you go, Ana! Good shoulder rolls.

ANA: Thank you.

KRISTIAN: All right, we’re gonna do the same thing we did with the block. This time, we’re going for three punches. So we’ll do one-two-three jabs, shoulder roll, one-two-three hooks, shoulder roll, and uppercuts. Let’s go!

KRISTIAN: One, two, three, shoulder roll. One, two, three. Twenty seconds!

KRISTIAN: Keep going for ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. Awesome! We’re gonna do one more thing – we’re gonna take all those moves that we practiced and we’re gonna bring them together in our own creative way, so just let all those punches and all those defensive moves flow out. Me and Ana will give you a quick example of what that’ll look like. So you’re just bringing everything together; uppercut, a block, a shoulder roll, and all the punches. So you’re gonna have a free-for-all.

KRISTIAN: All right, just like that. So we’re gonna do it for  thirty seconds, so we’re starting in five. Get those guards up, get those bounces going. Here we go in four, three, two, one. Let’s go! Bring all those moves out! Nice job, Ana! Go, everybody! Twenty seconds!

ANA: Woo hoo!

KRISTIAN: Make sure you don’t get hit! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Way to go! Awesome job, you all!

KRISTIAN: We are gonna do one more thing, we’re gonna finish up with some cool-down stretches. So our first stretch, we’re gonna reach down towards the floor. If you’re standing, keep your legs nice and straight, and hold it for ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Awesome!

KRISTIAN: Now we’re gonna go in the opposite direction, reaching our hands up above our head. Get a good stretch in the shoulders, and if you wanna get the lower back you can twist the hips forward and lean back. So shoulders for ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit.

KRISTIAN: And our final stretch, we’re gonna get our midsection by doing a side bend. We’ll bring one arm up and over, bring it to the opposite side and let’s hold for ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and switch. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Awesome work today, everybody! Ana, you are amazing.

ANA: Woo hoo!

KRISTIAN: High five.

ANA: Yeah! High five. High five, everyone. Great job!

KRISTIAN: All right, thank you so much for being part of this class with me and Ana, we appreciate you all. Hope you have a great rest of your day!

ANA: We’ll see you next time! Bye!

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