Join #Fun4theDisabled for another installment of #FitnessWitheFriends featuring our friends Sam, David, and Elizabeth from #SPIRITClub ! Work out your heart in today’s #accessible #cardio #workout with baseline, advanced, and #seated workout options. All Fitness with Friends videos are #OpenCaptioned and #ASL interpreted to bring you the most accessible content.

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NARRATOR: Thank you for watching and for a full transcript visit We hope you enjoy! When joining us for this video you need to take some precautions as your health and safety are the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision, like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Strategy for Access Foundation NFP and SPIRIT Club will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video. 

SAM: Hello, hello, everybody, and welcome to our cardio class today. My name is Sam and I’m going to be leading you through your workout today doing the advanced versions of the exercises. With me I’ve got my two awesome co-trainers. Doing the seated versions we’ve got David. What’s going on, David? 

DAVID: Hello, everyone. My name is David and I will be leading the seated version of this exercise. 

SAM: Awesome, thank you, David. And doing the advanced version today or the baseline version today, we’ve got Elizabeth. What’s going on, Elizabeth? 

ELIZABETH: I am doing great. I hope everybody is doing well too. 

SAM: Awesome, thank you, Elizabeth. So a couple notes up front. Make sure you’ve got some water with you because we want to stay nice and hydrated throughout the workout. And also make sure you’ve got a chair because whether you’re doing standing or seated versions of the exercises, sometimes you’re going to need a chair. So have a chair, have some water to stay hydrated, and we can go ahead and jump into the warmup. We are gonna go ahead and do some side bends. So for this, I’m gonna spread my feet slightly wider than my shoulders, send one arm out to the side, and then up overhead. And then I’m going to bend to the opposite side. Then I come back up to standing, do the same thing in the opposite direction. So I’m just gonna go back and forth, side to side, left to right. Good job, everybody. Nice work, David, doing the same thing in the seated version. Long spine. Nice work, Elizabeth. Keep it going for 10, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Nice job, everybody. 

And lastly, let’s go ahead and do some arm circles. So I’m gonna swing the arms wide open, out to the side, palms facing forward, shoulder height. And I am going to begin to circle those arms forward. You can think of your fingertips like pens and you are using those pens to draw some circles on either side of you. They can be big circles. They can be little circles. They can be high circles. They can be low circles. Find what’s comfortable for you, as long as it feels smooth on your shoulders. David’s doing the same thing in the seated version. Arms wide open. And Elizabeth is doing the same thing as well. Let’s keep it up for 10, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Awesome job, everybody. That’s looking great! 

All right, so first up today, exercise number one is going to be some high knees. So if you’re following Elizabeth for the baseline version she is gonna hold her hands up in front of her, elbows at the side, palms facing down, and she is gonna be lifting one knee up to touch her hands. Great work, Elizabeth marching in place, one knee at a time up to her hands. David in the seated version, is gonna be doing a ladder climb. So he’s doing the same high knee motion from the seated position, but he’s also reaching his opposite arm straight up to the sky to add the climbing component with the arms. Nice job, David. And if you’re following me I’m gonna be doing the same thing as David, but standing up. So I’m doing the high knee and then I add opposite arm reaching up in front of me. All right, let’s keep it going in three, two, one, and go. Good job, everybody. One arm and one knee up to the sky. Nice job, Elizabeth with the high knees. Great work, David, with the ladder climbs. Y’all are crushing it. Let’s keep it going for 10, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Awesome work, everybody. 

All right, exercise number two is going to be a twist and punch. So if you’re following Elizabeth, she is gonna stand up nice and tall, knees slightly bent, hands up to her chest. And then she is twist punches across her body and then switches sides to punch across the other way. Great work, Elizabeth. And that is your baseline version of the twist and punch. David is gonna do the same thing from a seated position. He’s twisting one side and punching one arm across his body. Nice work, David. And if you’re following me for the advanced version, I’m doing the same thing as well but I’m gonna add a side step. So I’m gonna step to one side punch with the opposite arm. And then I step to the other side and do the same thing. So I’m stepping side to side and punching across. All right, David, you want to give us a bell to start this one off? 

DAVID: Sure. 

SAM: Ready? 

(David mimicking bell ringing) 

SAM: Oh, nice job! Let’s go with your twists and punches, everybody. Keep it up. We’re almost there. Keep it going. Nice work, David. Keep it up, Elizabeth. Y’all are crushing it today. Keep it going. We’re almost there. We’re gonna count down from 10, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Good job, y’all. Shake it off. Shake out those arms. Shake out those legs. Shake out those shoulders. Good job. All right, so if you’re following me and Elizabeth we’re gonna pull our chairs up for this next one. So we’re gonna stand facing the seat of my chair and Elizabeth is gonna be doing the reach up and the reach down. So for this, she reaches her arms right up to the sky. Then she hinges forward at the hips and reaches down to touch the chair. Great work, Elizabeth. Up to the sky, down to the chair. David is gonna be doing the same thing, but he’s gonna be folding forward in his seat to reach down towards the floor or towards his feet or ankles. However low you can comfortably reach. Nice work. Up to the sky, down to the floor. And if you’re following me I’m gonna do the same thing as Elizabeth, but I’m gonna add a plank at the bottom. So for this, I reach up to this sky, down to the chair, and then I step one foot at a time back, and then forward to stand back up. So we get down into that plank at the bottom, which is where you are on your hands and your feet. Heels off the ground, straight spine, straight body. I’m squeezing the glutes and squeezing the abs. Then I stand back up. All right, everybody, are we ready? 

DAVID: Ready! 


SAM: Get set and go. Up to the sky, down to the ground for the reach up and the reach downs. Good work, everybody. Up and down. Good work, Elizabeth. Good work, David. Keep it going, y’all. And here we go, we’re counting down from 10, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Good job, everyone. Shake it off. We are halfway through our workout, so go ahead and grab a sip of water if you need it. David– 

DAVID: Cheers, everybody.

SAM: How are we feeling so far? Oh, cheers, my friends. 

DAVID: I’m feeling super fantastic. 

SAM: Awesome, that’s what I like to hear! How about you, Elizabeth? How are we feeling with the workout so far? 

ELIZABETH: I’m feeling great. 

SAM: Excellent, and everybody at home, give us a wave if we’re feeling good and give yourselves a big round of applause for doing such a great job. All right, go ahead, set your waters back down. And we are gonna get into exercise number four. This is the side steps. So I’m gonna move my chair back out of the way. And if you’re following Elizabeth for the baseline version it’s gonna look like this. Standing up nice and tall, we step one foot out to the side and then step the other foot in to meet it. Then we do the same thing back in the other direction. Side to side, back and forth. Nice lateral movements. Awesome work, Elizabeth. David, in the seated version is doing an alternating toe touch. So he is gonna fold forward and reach one arm down to his opposite foot. Getting that nice contralateral movement in the torso as he twists down. So folding forward, touch your opposite foot with one hand, sit up tall, and switch sides. Awesome work, David. And I am gonna combine both of those for the advanced version. This is the speed skater. 

So I’m gonna step to the side, just like Elizabeth. But when I step in I’m gonna take one hand and reach down towards my shin, towards my knee, towards my foot, whatever you can reach. And you’ll notice when I do that, my foot that’s stepping in is gonna step further back behind me. So that is your speed skater. All right, let’s get ready to rumble. And go in three, two, one, and go. We got side steps. We got speed skaters. Good job, everybody. That’s awesome, Elizabeth, great side steps. Great work, David with your toe touches. Good work, everybody following me for the advanced version. Keep it up. You all are doing fantastic. Keep it going. And we’re gonna go for 10, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Good job, everybody. 

Shake it off. Give me a wave if we’re feeling good. Awesome work, everybody. So next up we are gonna be moving back to the upper body. This is gonna be a press and row. So if you are following Elizabeth, she’s doing it. We’re reaching both arms forward, standing up tall, and then pulling those hands back into the chest. Palms can be facing down or up, whichever is more comfortable for you. And when we pull in, she squeezes those shoulder blades back behind her. Great work, Elizabeth. Forward and back. David is gonna be doing the same thing in the seated version. He’s leaning forward in his chair and then pulling his arms back. It’s like he’s rowing a rowboat. Awesome work, David, where are we gonna row to today? 

DAVID: We’re going to go to the Winter Games. 

SAM: Ah, love it! Rowing all the way up to the Winter Games. And if you’re following me for the advanced version we are gonna be adding a front step to it. So when I reach the arms forward, I step one foot forward, and then I pull the hands back when I step back. Reaching forward and stepping forward, and then pulling back. From the side, forward and back. Good job, everybody. And let get it going in three, two, one, and go. Forward and back. Awesome work, David. That’s looking really good. Nice work, Elizabeth. Keep it up. Y’all are crushing it here. We’re almost there. Forward and back, pressing and rowing. Keep it up for 10, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Good job, everybody. Shake it off. We got just one more exercise in our circuit today. And after that, we’ve got a special surprise for the SPIRIT Challenge. So this next exercise is the speed bag. This is our second boxing exercise of the day. And it’s gonna look like this. If you’re with Elizabeth, you are standing in your boxing stance, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, and fists up at the chest. She’s gonna roll those fists forward one arm over the other. You can bring this up over your head. You, you can bring it down. You can do a big circle. Find what’s fun for you, freestyle it, as long as you keep those arms rolling. Great job, Elizabeth. David is doing the exact same thing in the seated version. Look at him, bringing it around the world. Awesome work, David. And if you’re following me we’re gonna be adding some jogging in place so you can step one foot at a time jog in place while we do that speed bag. All right, we ready to roll, everybody? 

DAVID: Ready! 


SAM: Elizabeth, do you want to give us the bell this time? 

ELIZABETH: Ding, ding, ding, ding. 

SAM: Awesome! Let’s keep it going, everybody. Let’s roll those arms in the speed bag. Good work, David. Good work, Elizabeth. You guys are doing awesome. Everybody watching at home, you’re crushing it. You can jog to the side. You can jog backwards and forwards. You can jog in place. If you keep those legs moving for me. Bring it up and bring it down. And bring it to the right and bring it to the left. Freestyle it around the world, however you like. We’re almost there. Counting down from 10, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Good job, everybody. Go ahead shake it off. Give me a wave if we’re feeling good. Awesome work. So let’s get a quick sip of water here. You guys all just finished our circuit for today, but we’ve still got the SPIRIT Challenge. So get some water and I will talk us through what we’re gonna do. So for the SPIRIT Challenge today, we are going to pick one of the exercises we did in class. And we are going to count how many reps of that exercise we can do in one minute. And then we can share once we finish that minute to see how many we did. 

All right, so for today, the exercise is going to be the side step. So let’s review that one real quick. If you’re following Elizabeth she is stepping side to side, left to right. Great work, Elizabeth. Bringing the feet together and stepping in, and then stepping back out to the other side. Perfect. If you’re following David, he’s got the alternate toe touches. Bending forward at the hips, twisting and reaching one arm to the opposite toe. Then sitting up and switching sides. And if you’re following me, I combine those two, the speed skater. So I step to one side and then twist and reach down to touch my opposite leg. Good work. So remember we are gonna count our reps. Count how many you can do. Let’s see how many we can do at the end of the minute. David, are you ready? 

DAVID: Ready! 

SAM: Elizabeth, are you ready? 


SAM: And everybody at home, gimme a wave if we’re ready to roll. All right, in three, two, one, and go! Keep it up, everybody. Every step counts. Good job, David. Good work, Elizabeth. Keep it up, everyone, you’re doing awesome. We’re halfway through, keep it going. Y’all are crushing it here. Keep it up, keep it up, keep it up. Good job, David and Elizabeth. We’re almost there. Almost there. And 10, nine, great, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and spirit. Good work, everybody. You all are masters of your workout. Shake it off and let’s take a break ’cause you did it. David, were you able to keep track of your reps? 

DAVID: Yes I did. At the second time I did better. I was able to do 26. 

SAM: That’s awesome, David, congratulations. Elizabeth, were you able to keep track? 

ELIZABETH: I was, I did 33 reps. 

SAM: That’s awesome, congrats to you. And everybody watching at home shout it at the screen at the TV, at the computer, turn to your neighbors, let each other know how you did because we are excited that you were able to do the SPIRIT Challenge  with us today. And with that, let’s go ahead and start the cool down. Cooling down means calming down. We just worked really hard in this class and now we wanna drop it so we can be relaxed for the rest of the day. The hard work is behind you. So let’s start by sitting or standing up nice and tall, and taking a big, deep breath in. Breathing in. (deeply inhales) And out. (heavily exhales) And as we breathe in we’re gonna reach the arms out and up overhead. Breathing in. (deeply inhales) And breathing out, drop the arms back down. (heavily exhaling) And one more time breathing in reaching up. And this time we’re gonna hold up here as we breathe out. Reach up even higher. (heavily exhales) Holding here.

Y’all are doing great. Big deep breath. (heavily exhales) And on your next breath out, we’re gonna reach down and try to touch our toes or touch the floor. Breathing out. (heavily exhales) Just hang loosey goosey here. You all are doing amazing. Holding here for a second, relaxing. Big, deep breath in. (deeply inhales) And out. (heavily exhales) And three, two, one, and roll on back up to standing, nice and slow. Good job, everybody. Next up, we’re gonna cross one arm across the chest and hug it in with the other arm. This is a nice shoulder stretch. Breathing in and out. (heavily exhales) And three, two, one, and switch sides. Breathing in and out. (heavily exhales) And three, two, one, and shake it off. 

Give yourselves a big round of applause. You all made it all the way through class today and I am proud of each and every one of you. David and Elizabeth, thank you for being here. You all did awesome with your workouts and it’s great to be working out with you. 

ELIZABETH: Great working out with you, too. 

DAVID: Great working out with you too as well. Thank you so much, thank you so much. 

SAM: Thank you! And thank you all for watching. I hope you all have a great rest of your day and we will see you next time. Have a good one, everyone. Thank you so much.

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