

Fun4theDisabled Presents Children’s Book: Snappsy the Alligator (Did Not Ask to Be in This Book!) on ChicagoLand’s TV19 (OC & ASL)

Snappsy the Alligator is having a normal day when a pesky narrator steps in to spice up the story. Is Snappsy reading a book … or is he making CRAFTY plans? Is Snappsy on his way to the grocery store … or is he PROWLING the forest for defenseless birds and fuzzy bunnies? Is Snappsy […]


Fun4theDisabled Presents Fitness with Friends: Positive Mindset on CAN TV Chicagoland’s Channel 19! (OC/ASL)

Zen out with a guided class on mental wellness! Help keep a positive mindset with Kelly from SPIRIT Club.  Find this showing and others like it on CAN TV Chicagoland Channel 19, or stream on the go with the new can tv+ app!