
Join us at #fun4thedisabled for an accessible boxing workout apart of the #FitnesswithFriends series that begins with basic movements and incrementally adds strength to the exercise.

This series is a set of videos designed to be accessible to those with disabilities, and make it easier to get moving! All Fitness with Friends videos have both an ASL interpreter and closed-captioning. Enjoy, and keep an eye out for more videos in the Fitness with Friends series!

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VOICE: For more information and a full transcript of this video, check out Fun4theDisabled.com. When joining us for this video, you need to take some precautions as your health and safety are the most important. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises without supervision like with this video, you are performing them at your own risk. See a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Strategy for Access Foundation NFP and Shirley Ryan Abilities Lab will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.

FITNESS INSTRUCTOR: Hi everyone! So today we’re gonna do a boxing workout. So for any of you that have been in my class before, you’ll see it and you’ll know– you’ll be familiar with a lot of what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna do just the boxing exercises for now. If you can, we’ll add in a little bit of strength. So if you have– if you wanna make this more difficult, you can add a little weight, so hold some dumbbells or anything else that weighs a little bit, or you can just speed up what you’re doing. I’m not gonna use any weights, I’m just gonna shadow box. So follow along and repeat the video as many times as possible or as you’d like. Enjoy!

Alright, let’s start with a quick warm up. So we’re gonna do some neck circles. So what I want you to do is I want you to tuck your chin, roll all the way around for me, and then come back. Alright, so we’re gonna do it again…and back. Few more. Good, around…one more. Good. And now let’s go the other way. Same thing, tuck, roll around…and back. Trying to make sure we’re going all the way around as best we can. Good, two more. Last one. 

Alright so next, we’ll do some shoulder circles. So what I want you to do is I want you to raise your shoulders, and roll them forward and then all the way back down and around. Okay, making sure that it’s like you’re drawing circles with your shoulders, okay? So let’s go ten forward and then ten backwards. Here we go. Let’s go one. Two, good, making sure we’re really bringing those shoulders down every time, alright? Good, keep going. Nice, 3, 2, 1. Good, now let’s go backwards. Alright, same thing, really picking up those shoulders and really dropping them down every time. Here we go. One. Two, good, picking them up, going around nice and easy. Right, really trying to loosen up those shoulders as we go. 3, 2, 1. 

Up next, let’s do some arm circles. So we’re gonna do them forwards and backwards. We’re gonna have our arms out nice and straight, about shoulder height. Alright, we’re gonna start small going forwards, so here we go. 1, 2, 3, good and then slowly build, get a little bit bigger, maybe a little bit quicker. Good, for ten… and time. Good, now we’re gonna go backwards. So same thing, going for about ten here. Alright, here we go. 1, 2, 3, good. Good, moving ‘em, moving ‘em, moving ‘em, moving ‘em. Little bigger, little bigger, little bigger, and time. 

Alright up next let’s loosen up, let’s get ready for some punches. So let’s throw some jabs. So hands up, nice and easy for me. And then what I want you doing is alternating, I want jabs forward. Okay so nice and easy, I don’t need you to throw them very hard, but I wanna focus on rotating that trunk a little bit, right? Getting that loosened up, getting those shoulders ready. So we’re gonna go for about 40 seconds here. Ready, hands up, and let’s go. Nice and easy, nice and easy. Alright try to pick a target, try to hit that same target the whole time, okay? And I know we’re not in fighting stance, but that’s okay. We’re just loosening up, just warming up here. Nice and easy, nice and easy. Good, about halfway there. Alright, change up exactly where you’re hitting, alright, a little higher, a little lower. Move it around, go out to the sides a little bit more, right? Really rotating that trunk. Good, come back to center, line it up. GIve me 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Nice.

Now that we’ve warmed up, I wanna go  a little bit into how we’re gonna stand throughout the rest of the workout, as well as what punches and how we’re gonna throw them, okay? So first thing is our stance. So our dominant side is gonna go back, our non-dominant is gonna come forward. Alright, same thing with the hands, okay? You’re gonna hold this position as best you can the entire time. Shoulders relaxed alright, facing forward. Our non-dominant side, that front hand, that one’s gonna throw two punches, our other hand is gonna throw another two punches. So the one’s we’re gonna throw: jabs, right? Nice and quick, nice and easy, just extending the arm, alright? With the back hand, we’re gonna do a nice cross, alright, we’re gonna rotate into it with the body. Alright, then we’re gonna come in with a hook, so we bring that non-dominant hand, that front hand, around and you give me a hook. Lastly is gonna be our uppercut. Alright, nice and easy uppercut. So as we go I’ll give you a few more queues so you can understand how to do them better. 

Alright, now let’s start doing some combinations since we’re nice and loosened up. So I want the hands up. If you can, I want you to rotate a little bit, right, kind of in a fighting stance. If you’re sitting down, that’s okay, alright, try to rotate just a little bit. I want the hands up, making sure our shoulders stay relaxed, so don’t bring them up to the ears, keeping them down. Hands stay in front of you the whole time. What I want you to do is I want you to throw two jabs and then one cross. So two jabs and then a cross, alright? Making sure that when you throw the jabs, right, arms extend and then you rotate into that cross. Alright so we’re gonna go for about 45 seconds here. Are we ready? Hands up, and let’s go. Jab, jab, cross. Jab, jab, cross. Jab, jab, cross. Jab, jab, cross. Jab, jab, cross. Good, making sure, alright, that we’re keeping that posture, that our hands are coming back every time, right? Gotta keep– make sure we’re staying protected. Good, rotating from that trunk, right, pivoting on that back foot. Good, keep it going, almost there. Give me about 15 seconds here. Good, good. Jab, jab, cross. Jab, jab, cross. Jab, jab, cross. Give me two more. Jab, jab, cross. Jab, jab, cross. Nice. 

For this next one, we’re gonna do some hooks and some uppercuts. So once again, let’s get into our fighting stance, alright? Hands up for me. So that non-dominant hand, that hand in front, is gonna come around and it’s gonna give me a hook, right? Try to keep that forearm as best you can parallel to the ground. Alright, and then right back to here. That uppercut, you’re gonna squat down a little bit, coming up. Alright, the goal is to hit at about chin height, right, not up here. So you want that to end right here. Okay, so we’re gonna go for about 45 seconds. Alright, making sure we’re ready, and here we go. Hook, uppercut. Hook, uppercut. Hook, uppercut. Hook, uppercut. Hook, uppercut. Hook, uppercut. Hook, uppercut. Very nice, good. As you go, alright, you can change up the speed a little bit. You can speed it up a little bit, you can slow it down, right? Making sure that we’re coming back every time to center, right? Making sure that we’re breathing throughout, and making sure that we’re throwing them properly, right? Almost there, give me about another 10 seconds here. Good, good, good. 3, 2, 1. Very nice. 

Alright now for our next combination, we’re gonna do a jab, a cross, a hook, and an uppercut, so all four punches together. So let’s get into our fighter stance, let’s get our hands up, shoulders relaxed. Okay same, we’re gonna go for about 45 seconds here. Start slow, right, and then as you go, build, get a little bit quicker as you get more comfortable with it, okay? If you wanna stay slow, stay slow. Hands up, here we go. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut. Nice. Keep those hands going, right? Good, good, good, good. About halfway there here, about halfway there. See if you can speed it up for me just a little bit. Alright, speed it up just a little bit. Nice, make sure we’re keeping good form as best you can, shifting that weight well, breathing most of all. Good, almost there, less than 10 seconds here. Nice, 3, 2, 1. 

Now we’re gonna repeat some of those combinations, but I wanna add a duck or a dodge to it, okay? Alright so what we’re gonna do is back into that fighter stance, alright, hands up for me. So after you throw the combinations, wherever they are, you’re gonna duck for me as best you can, right? Doesn’t matter which direction you move, but you’re gonna try to duck for me. Okay so that first one we’re gonna do is two jabs, and a cross, and then we’re gonna duck, okay? So making sure that you’re keeping your balance when you duck, you don’t lean too far back, nice tight core to keep you upright. Alright, here we go, for 45 seconds. Jab, jab, cross, duck. Jab, jab, cross, duck. Jab, jab, cross, duck. Jab, jab, cross, duck. Good, making sure we’re breathing the whole time, right? Try to alternate, try to mix up which way you go. Alright, changing it up. If you can’t go that low, that’s okay. Alright, as best you can, what we wanna do is change levels, right? We wanna not be in the exact same spot the whole time. So you wanna move a little bit. Alright even if you don’t go too far left and right, even if you just go straight down for a little bit, alright? Still moving. Good, almost there. Nice, 3, 2, 1. 

This one we’re gonna continue with the combinations. So we’re gonna do a hook and an uppercut, but we’re gonna add that dodge in again. So back into fighter stance, hands up for me. So what it’ll look like is a nice hook, uppercut, and give me a dodge, okay? So hands up. For 45 seconds, here we go. Hook, uppercut, dodge. Hook, uppercut, dodge. Hook, uppercut, dodge. Hook, uppercut, dodge. Hook, uppercut, dodge. Hook, uppercut, dodge. Hook, uppercut, dodge. Nice, very nice, making sure we’re keeping the hands moving, right? We’re coming back to cover our face every time, right? You can change up which direction you’re moving, whatever feels comfortable. You don’t have to go that deep, alright, you can just go straight down, you can go a little bit left and right if you can. Nice. Hook, uppercut, dodge. Hook, uppercut, dodge. One more…dodge. Very nice. 

Alright so now let’s put all four of the punches together with that duck and that dodge. So back into that fighter stance, hands up for me. Alright so what it’ll look like is jab, cross, hook, uppercut, and then you can give me a dodge. Okay again, we can start off slow and then build in, get a little quicker as we go. So again, about 45 seconds here. Alright hands up, here we go. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, dodge. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, dodge. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, dodge. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, dodge. Good, making sure we’re breathing throughout. Making sure that we’re rotating, right? We’re using that trunk to rotate through. Nice. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, dodge. Almost there. Good. Keeping your balance. Nice, give me two more. Last one. Very nice. 

So now we’re gonna repeat some of those combinations, but we’re gonna add a step in. So for these you can get back into that fighter stance, hands are gonna be up. So when you’re gonna take a step, if you’re gonna take a step to your left, you’re gonna lead with your left leg. If you’re gonna take a step to the right, you lead with your right leg. So whatever side you step to, you’re gonna lead with that leg, okay? So we’re gonna start with jab, jab, and a cross for 45 seconds with a step, alright? Hands up, here we go. Jab, jab, cross, take a step. Jab, jab, cross, take a step. Jab, jab, cross, take a step. Jab, jab, cross, take a step. Remember to breathe throughout, alright? Change up how fast you’re moving. So if you wanna move a little quicker, alright, move a little quicker. If you wanna move a little slower, move a little slower. Making sure that for that cross, we’re rotating from the trunk, pivoting on that back leg. Good, almost there. Nice, give me a few more here. Two more. Last one. Good. 

Alright our next combination, we’re going back to our hook and our uppercut, aright, so that hook and that uppercut but we’re gonna add a step in forward and backwards. So back to our fighter stance, hands up. So if you’re gonna step forward, right, you’re gonna step with your leading foot. If you’re gonna step backwards, you step with your back foot. Alright, nice and simple. Making sure that we’re throwing those combinations throughout, taking a step, throwing the combination, taking a step. Okay, watch how you’re landing, make sure you don’t land too narrow or too far away. Alright, you get comfortable as you go. Alright hands up, here we go. Hook, uppercut, take a step. Hook, uppercut, take a step. Hook, uppercut, take a step. Hook, uppercut, step. Good. Hook, uppercut, step. Remember to breathe, remember to keep that posture the whole way, alright? Watch those shoulders, keep ‘em down the whole time. Good, we’re about halfway. Keep it going, keep it going. Alright up tall, throwing those punches, change up the speed a little bit if you’d like. Alright, maybe a little bit quicker, you’re moving. We’re breathing. Good, give me two more. And done.

Alright for this next one, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna put all four punches together, including the steps, okay? So back into our fighter stance, so hands are gonna be up. So what I’m gonna do is after I throw all four punches, I’m gonna call out “Step,” and I’m gonna move. You don’t have to move in the same direction I do, I’m gonna try to hit all four. So I’m gonna try to go off to the left, going forward, going to the right, and going backwards. Alright, if you feel comfortable following along, do so. If not, whatever direction you feel comfortable with. So we’re gonna go for 45 seconds. Alright, hands are gonna be up in fighter stance, here we go. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, step. Jab, cross, hook, uppercut, and step. 

Alright, now that we’ve worked out, let’s do a little stretching. So we’re gonna start with the neck. So what I want you to do is I want you to turn your head to the left, you’re gonna take your left hand and place it on the top of your head, give it a gentle pull down. Alright, you’re gonna hold that for me for about 20 seconds here. Remember to breathe throughout. Right, give it a nice gentle pull. You should feel that stretch on the opposite side of the neck. Good, give it about 3, 2, and 1. Bring it back up and we’re gonna do the other side. So we’re gonna turn the head to the right, take the right hand, place it atop the head and give it a gentle pull down. You should feel that stretch right along here. Alright, nice and easy, remember to breathe. 3, 2, and 1. 

Alright, now let’s stretch out the shoulders a little bit. So we’re gonna take your left hand, place it across your body, take your right hand under the elbow, give it a gentle pull. Kinda like you’re trying to give yourself a big hug. Alright we’re gonna hold this for about 20 seconds. Alright, nice and easy, breathing, trying to relax the shoulders. Alright, letting the arm pull, you should feel that pull right about the back of the shoulder here. Alright, hold it for about 3, 2, and 1. Let’s get the other side. So same thing, arm across, other hand behind the elbow. Good, holding it for me. Nice, remembering to breathe, keeping those shoulders relaxed. Alright, we’ve got a little under 10 seconds here. Good, give me 3, 2, and 1. 

Alright let’s stretch out the triceps a little bit now. So what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna take your left hand, bring it back like you’re trying to stretch an itch on your back, you’re gonna take your right hand and you’re gonna press up with it. Or, if you have the flexibility, you’re gonna go up and above and pull down. Alright, so we’re gonna hold this for 20 seconds here. Whichever one you choose, either is fine. Try to keep the shoulders relaxed, alright, breathing for me as you go. Nice, try to let that hand just hang there freely. Good, give me 3, 2, and 1. Alright, now let’s do the other side. So same thing, reach back like you have an itch, and then either pressing from the front or pulling from the top, and let’s go. Alright, going for about 20 seconds here again, relax the shoulders, remember to breathe, relax the arm, let the hand just hang there. Good, breathing. 5…3, 2, 1. And relax.

Alright, now we’re gonna stretch out the back and the chest a little bit. So what I want you to do is I want you to take your hands, interlock the fingers, I want you to reach forward as far as you can go, try to separate those shoulder blades a little bit. Hold it for a second and then open up nice and wide, hold for 3, 2, 1, bring it back. Interlock the fingers, press the hands away. If you can, flip them out. Alright, and then back, open up nice and wide, 3, 2, 1. Let’s go again. Hands together, reach, reach, reach forward, turn the hands. Good, let’s come back, open up, try to pull those hands together. And let’s come back. Good, good, good, reach, reach, reach, reach, reach, reach! And let’s open up. Good, breathing. One last one. Reach forward as far as you can go, as far as you can go. And then pull back, reach, reach, reach, reach…2, 1. 

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