“Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns: A Muslim Book of Colors” is written by Hena Kahn and illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini. This book showcases the colorful world of Islamic culture seen through the eyes of a young Muslim girl. Watch this wonderful story on CANTV!
“Ricky, The Rock Who Couldn’t Roll” is a story about a rock who has a flat side, and because of this cannot roll like his friends can. But his friends refuse to let him miss all the fun, and they are going to help him roll in a completely different way. The book was written […]
"When God Made You" is a book that teaches kids that they are perfect the way they are and have incredible talents to share with the world. The book was written by Matthew Paul Turner and illustrated by David Catrow. Watch as our friend Jamie Pavlofsky reads this uplifting book.
Watch as Fun4theDisabled explores the history of the Chicago Lighthouse and details its services for the visually impaired and beyond. Visit their website here: https://chicagolighthouse.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw78yFBhCZARIsAOxgSx2ArSX68BfVdDXHfVu3rFG2tcHK9CvMupgYsj2_PMYs1TVwrLxPW-oaAmrCEALw_wcB
Fun4thedisabled Presents Reveca Torres, a power wheelchair user, and founder of Backbones on CAN TV, Channel 19. Reveca presents 5 tips on remaining balanced during the pandemic. The video is closed-captioned and includes ASL interpretation.