“Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns: A Muslim Book of Colors” is written by Hena Kahn and illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini. This book showcases the colorful world of Islamic culture seen […]
“Ricky, The Rock Who Couldn’t Roll” is a story about a rock who has a flat side, and because of this cannot roll like his friends can. But his friends […]
"When God Made You" is a book that teaches kids that they are perfect the way they are and have incredible talents to share with the world. The book was […]
Watch as Fun4theDisabled explores the history of the Chicago Lighthouse and details its services for the visually impaired and beyond. Visit their website here: https://chicagolighthouse.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw78yFBhCZARIsAOxgSx2ArSX68BfVdDXHfVu3rFG2tcHK9CvMupgYsj2_PMYs1TVwrLxPW-oaAmrCEALw_wcB
Fun4thedisabled Presents Reveca Torres, a power wheelchair user, and founder of Backbones on CAN TV, Channel 19. Reveca presents 5 tips on remaining balanced during the pandemic. The video is […]