[TRANSCRIPT with visual descriptions: Text on screen reads: Accommodate Me or Litigate Me Part 2: Housing Discrimination. Vanessa A. Harris, P.E. and Professor Allison K. Bethel, Esq. Fun4thedisabled.com | UIC John Marshall Law School Fair Housing Clinic. Vanessa...
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Do You Want Me At Your Meeting? Make it Accessible!
Guest post Sheri Byrne-Haber discusses how to check that your event is accessible for all. Sheri Byrne-Haber is a CPACC Certified Accessibility professional with degrees in CS, law, business. Sheri is also a wheelchair user w/ a deaf daughter. As someone in technology...
How to buy a car if you’re disabled
#Fun4the Disabled’s Vanessa Harris discusses her experience of buying a car as a wheelchair user, and what tips and tricks she has learned along the way to make the process go much smoother. Hi! I’m Vanessa and I’m a wheelchair user. I bought a new car and it was not...