#Explore Chicago for All: Unveiling Accessibility Features at Iconic Sites!
Join us for a special preview of #AccessibleChicago,” a new video series from Fun4theDisabled! Discover how “Accessible Chicago” is raising awareness, increasing economic activity, and setting a new standard for inclusivity.
Our Trailer:
Windy City for ALL? You bet! ♿️ Join us for a video unveiling #AccessibleChicago’s most accessible adventures, from scenic lakes to dazzling shows!
Chicago History:
Click the thumbnail to explore each location
Dusable Museum: Highlights African American history and culture.
Illinois Holocaust Museum: Dedicated to preserving the memory of the Holocaust.
Chicago History Museum: Explores the rich history of Chicago and its surroundings.
Maritime Museum: Explores Chicago’s maritime history and the Great Lakes.
Chicago Arts:
Click the thumbnail to explore each location
MCA Chicago: Showcases modern and contemporary art in downtown Chicago.
Hyde Park Art Center: Focuses on emerging and under-recognized contemporary artists.
National Museum of Mexican Art: Houses the largest collection of Mexican art in the US.
Project Onward: Empowers artists with disabilities to create and sell their artwork.
Chicago Parks:
Click the thumbnail to explore each location
Garfield Park Conservatory: Features diverse plant life in a beautiful indoor setting.
Morton Arboretum: Offers a variety of gardens, trails, and educational programs.
Lincoln Park Zoo: Lincoln Park Zoo is free to visit with a diverse collection of animals.
Chicago Science:
Click the thumbnail to explore each location
Museum of Science and Industry: Largest science center in the Western Hemisphere, with interactive exhibits.
Field Museum of Natural History: Renowned for its extensive collections of dinosaur fossils, SUE the T. Rex, and artifacts.
Chicago Entertainment:
Click the thumbnail to explore each location
Museum of Illusions: Challenges visitors’ perceptions and ignites their imaginations with interactive exhibits.
Navy Pier: Popular waterfront entertainment district with rides, restaurants, shops, and events.
Steppenwolf Theater: Tony Award-winning theater company known for its innovative productions.
Speaker Montage
#Explore Chicago for All: Unveiling Accessibility Features at Iconic Sites! Join us for a special preview of #AccessibleChicago,” a new video series from Fun4theDisabled! Discover how “Accessible Chicago” is raising awareness, increasing economic activity, and setting a new standard for inclusivity.
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Click for Video Transcript
00:00:04:45 – 00:00:13:01
Vanessa Harris, Founder of Fun4thedisabled
Fun4theDisabled is thrilled to present a special sneak preview of our series, Accessible Chicago,
00:00:24:03 – 00:00:45:01
Glenn Eden, Chair of Choose Chicago
Places like this place, the Museum of Science and Industry, Navy Pier, the National Museum of Mexican Art, the DuSable, the Chicago History Museum and the Garfield Park Conservatory are all on the cutting edge of design and technology to make these iconic attractions accessible to all.
00:00:45:01 – 00:01:01:29
Glenn Eden
And with the incredible videos like these created by Vanessa and the team at Fun4theDisabled, more and more people will know about Chicago’s accessible options and we at Choose Chicago are beyond proud to support this project.
00:01:01:29 – 00:01:16:57
Dr. Anne Harris, President of Grinnell College
You’ve used your brilliance, your creativity and your fun to build capacity for individuals and organizations to learn about disability culture, to engage with disability culture, and to shape advocacy in new, different and better ways.
00:01:16:57 – 00:01:23:15
Susan Brehm, Regional Director of the US Economic Development Administration
we were very excited to be able to support this project from our Chicago regional office,
00:01:23:15 – 00:01:39:24
Susan Brehm
showcasing this beautiful city and highlighting the accessibility of Chicago and its attractions not only increases economic activity, but also rightly raises the bar for other places to be more inclusive to those with different abilities.
00:01:39:24 – 00:01:57:43
Rachel Arfa, Commissioner of the Chicago Mayor’s Office of People with Disabilities
it is important because people with disabilities have a purchasing power of four hundred and ninety billion dollars. In other words, companies are leaving money on the table.
00:01:57:43 – 00:02:02:13
Rachel Arfa
because people with disabilities go to an event
00:02:02:13 – 00:02:09:52
Rachel Arfa
when we have a good experience, we come back and we tell our friends about it.
00:02:10:12 – 00:02:25:09
Rachel Arfa
Do not underestimate the word of mouth in our disability community. When we have a good experience, we tell you. When we have a bad experience… we also tell you.
00:02:25:09 – 00:02:36:21
Daniel Thomas, Deputy Director of the Illinois Office of Tourism
We’re excited to be featuring the accessible Chicago videos on our new accessibility travel web page on enjoyIllinois.com (Vanessa claps) forward slash accessibility.
00:02:36:21 – 00:02:49:08
Daniel Thomas
and be assured Vanessa, the state of Illinois when we see a 111 million visitors every year. We intend to amplify and make it a continued priority.
00:02:49:12 – 00:02:55:36
Jack Lavin, President and CEO of the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce
We cannot be a world class city without the work that’s being celebrated tonight.
00:02:55:36 – 00:03:08:58
Jack Lavin
Accessible Chicago is a fantastic series that showcases many amazing places that everyone can visit across our gorgeous city. This show is a big win for Chicago.
Video Transcript En Español
00:00:04:45 – 00:00:13:01
Vanessa Harris, Fundadora de Fun4thedisabled
Fun4theDisabled está encantada de presentar un adelanto especial de nuestra serie, Accessible Chicago.
00:00:24:03 – 00:00:45:01
Glenn Eden, Presidente de Choose Chicago
Lugares como este, el Museo de Ciencia e Industria, Navy Pier, el Museo Nacional de Arte Mexicano, el DuSable, el Museo de Historia de Chicago y el Conservatorio de Garfield Park están a la vanguardia del diseño y la tecnología para hacer que estas atracciones icónicas sean accesibles para todos.
00:00:45:01 – 00:01:01:29
Glenn Eden
Y con los increíbles videos como estos creados por Vanessa y el equipo de Fun4theDisabled, cada vez más personas conocerán las opciones accesibles de Chicago y en Choose Chicago estamos más que orgullosos de apoyar este proyecto.
00:01:01:29 – 00:01:16:57
Dra. Anne Harris, Presidenta del Grinnell College
Has usado tu brillantez, tu creatividad y tu diversión para construir capacidad para que individuos y organizaciones aprendan sobre la cultura de la discapacidad, se involucren con la cultura de la discapacidad y den forma a la defensa de nuevas, diferentes y mejores maneras.
00:01:16:57 – 00:01:23:15
Susan Brehm, Directora Regional de la Administración de Desarrollo Económico de EE. UU.
Estábamos muy emocionados de poder apoyar este proyecto desde nuestra oficina regional en Chicago,
00:01:23:15 – 00:01:39:24
Susan Brehm
mostrar esta hermosa ciudad y resaltar la accesibilidad de Chicago y sus atracciones no solo aumenta la actividad económica, sino que también eleva correctamente el estándar para que otros lugares sean más inclusivos con las personas con diferentes habilidades.
00:01:39:24 – 00:01:57:43
Rachel Arfa, Comisionada de la Oficina de Discapacidad del Alcalde de Chicago
Es importante porque las personas con discapacidad tienen un poder adquisitivo de cuatrocientos y noventa mil millones de dólares. En otras palabras, las empresas están dejando dinero sobre la mesa.
00:01:57:43 – 00:02:02:13
Rachel Arfa
Porque las personas con discapacidad van a un evento
00:02:02:13 – 00:02:09:52
Rachel Arfa
Cuando tenemos una buena experiencia, volvemos y se lo contamos a nuestros amigos.
00:02:10:12 – 00:02:25:09
Rachel Arfa
No subestimen el boca a boca en nuestra comunidad de discapacidad. Cuando tenemos una buena experiencia, te lo contamos. Cuando tenemos una mala experiencia… también te lo contamos.
00:02:25:09 – 00:02:36:21
Daniel Thomas, Subdirector de la Oficina de Turismo de Illinois
Estamos emocionados de presentar los videos de Chicago accesible en nuestra nueva página web de viajes accesibles en enjoyIllinois.com (Vanessa aplaude) barra inclinada accesibilidad.
00:02:36:21 – 00:02:49:08
Daniel Thomas
Y ten la seguridad, Vanessa, de que el estado de Illinois recibe a 111 millones de visitantes cada año. Intentamos amplificar y convertirlo en una prioridad continua.
00:02:49:12 – 00:02:55:36
Jack Lavin, Presidente y CEO de la Cámara de Comercio de Chicagoland
No podemos ser una ciudad de clase mundial sin el trabajo que se celebra esta noche.
00:02:55:36 – 00:03:08:58
Jack Lavin
Accessible Chicago es una serie fantástica que muestra muchos lugares increíbles que todos pueden visitar en nuestra hermosa ciudad. Este programa es una gran victoria para Chicago.
#AccessibleChicago: Partner with Us!
Like what you saw in our #AccessibleChicago video series?
We’ve been showcasing Chicago’s most inclusive businesses and experiences, making the city more accessible for everyone.
Want to feature YOUR business in our next season?
By partnering with #AccessibleChicago, you’ll reach a large and engaged audience of people with disabilities and their allies. Show your commitment to inclusivity and accessibility!
Ready to join the movement?
Contact us directly for a quote or project: fun@fun4thedisabled.com
Let’s work together to make Chicago a truly accessible city for all!